Davis Assessments
Initial Consultation
A phone interview is conducted with the parent to gather information on the child. Then an appointment is set up to meet with your child for one to three hours. The required assessments include a symptoms profile and a perceptual assessment. A grade level assessment in silent/oral reading and writing are optional.
Symptoms Profile
Symptoms profile is a questionnaire that establishes rapport between client and facilitator, establishes key points where a client is having difficulty, identifies areas of strengths, discusses program goals, establishes motivation, and helps the facilitator design a program that fits with the client’s particular needs.
Perceptual Assessment
The Perceptual Ability Assessment tests for the presence of four perceptual abilities shared by dyslexics. These include: the ability to experience self-created mental images as real world phenomenon, the ability of the brain to distort perceptual information, the ability to consciously view mental images three dimensionally, and the tendency or preference to think non-verbally with pictures of concepts and ideas vs. internal dialogue. This assessment also evaluates the type or orientation the student needs.
On-line Assessment
Is it dyslexia? Take Davis’ free Dyslexia Screening Assessment On-Line Assessment.
Grade Level Assessment (optional)
In order for parents or teachers to evaluate the reading/writing progress of a child/student that had gone through a Davis® Correction Program, an optional grade level assessment is offered. (Grade Level Assessment)
Cost for Davis Assessment
Grade Level Assessment/School Reports (optional)
The Davis® assessments and TGM assessments described on this site are separate and distinct assessments, and are provided in their own distinct contexts on separate schedules.
Professional services described as Davis®, including Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, Davis® Attention Mastery, Davis® Math Mastery, and Davis® Reading Program for Young Learners may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis Dyslexia Association International.