Grade Level Assessment
In order for parents or teachers to evaluate the reading/writing progress of a child/student that had gone through a Davis® Correction Program, an optional grade level assessment is offered.
Before starting the program and after completing the program, the student is given three informal reading skills assessments from the Ekwall/Shanker Reading Inventory which are given by grade level and are scored accordingly. These three tests—Graded Word List (which determines starting level of reading), Oral Readings, and Silent Readings—range from pre-primer to ninth grade and determine the student’s level of reading and comprehension. The tests are scored into three categories: independent reading level, instructional reading level, and frustration reading level.
Independent reading level means the student should be able to read without help. The reading level is below the student’s reading ability. The student should be able to pronounce and decode at least 99% of the words and should comprehend at least 90% of the material.
Instructional reading level means the student will require some help in order to read the material. The student should be able to decode at least 95% of the words and should comprehend at least 60% of the material. This level is too difficult for the student to read independently.
The frustration reading level means the reading passage is way too difficult for the student. The student can decode accurately 90% or less of the words and can comprehend only 50% or less of the material.
In order to determine the student’s reading placement level, the Graded Word List is given. The student is asked to read from the Graded Word List which has ten words from each of the several grade levels (PP, P, 1st-9th). The results are then scored: independent reading level (one or no missed words), instructional reading level (two words missed), and frustration reading Level (three or more words missed). Once the student’s reading levels are determined, the student will start reading a passage one level below the student’s independent reading level.
When evaluating the student’s comprehension, the question-and-answer format is not used as shown on the Oral Reading Passages because it does not fully cover the extent of the learner’s understanding or recall of the passage. Instead of that format, the student is required to retell as much of the reading passage as possible. This format allows me to evaluate the student’s understanding of the passage; and the ability to recall facts, details, and sequence of events. The question-and-answer format is then scored (with a check mark) according to how many of the questions the student was able to recall.
Besides retell ability, the student’s reading passages are evaluated for dyslexic symptoms: additions, omissions, repetitions, substitutions, or transpositions of words; ignoring punctuation; lack of comprehension or ability to retell the passage; and reading mistakes on any of the 219 trigger words* (nonvisual words that dyslexics struggle with). Also, the student is evaluated in his/her ability to use reading cues: visual graphics (phonics), semantics (meaning), and syntax (structure). These cue systems are used by “left-brain” or non-visual readers but not dyslexic children. Recent brain imaging studies have shown that distinct parts of the left frontal cortex are involved with processing the structure (syntax) and meaning (semantics) of a sentence. From brain-scans of dyslexic readers, there is evidence that these areas are not activated.
This assessment is optional. Some school systems and teachers prefer to do their own testing. If they test before and after the program, this evaluation is not necessary.
Cost for Davis Assessment/School Reports
The Davis® programs and TGM assessments described on this site are separate and distinct programs/assessments, and are provided in their own distinct contexts on separate schedules.
Professional services described as Davis®, including Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, Davis® Attention Mastery, Davis® Math Mastery, and Davis® Reading Program for Young Learners may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis Dyslexia Association International.