Tutoring Services
Tutoring Programs

Purpose: To evaluate and advance client’s level of reading
- Literacy Evaluation or Beginner Assessment
- Reading Strategies
- Guided Reading
- Literacy Concepts
- Evaluating development of cue systems
- Writing Road to Reading (if needed)
- Running Records
- Visual Reading
Purpose: To improve client’s writing skills
- Writing Evaluation Assessment
- Exercises for right-left brain integration
- Figure 8
- Teaching
- Correct letter formation
- Two o’clock formation
- Spatial awareness

Purpose: To teach client how to apply phonetic rules to spelling
- Writing Road to Reading
- Phonograms
- Phonetic Rules
- Correct letter formation
- Visual Spelling
- Visual Vocabulary

Purpose: To evaluate client’s knowledge of parts of speech
- Grammar Test
- Learn parts of speech
- Sentence Structure
- Visual Grammar
Purpose: To evaluate client’s development of math concepts
- Math Assessment
- Placement Test
- Math Strategies
- Visual Math Techniques
Other Visual Tutoring
- Writing Papers
- Note Taking
- Mind Mapping
- Visual Memorization